87 Reasons to Come to Reunion

There are at least 87 reasons to come to reunion. Heck, there are about 300 reasons if you count each of your classmates separately.

Here are a few that we've thought of so far. Got one of your own? Post it to the FaceBook group.

#14 Come back and figure out the ending to that dream where you’ve forgotten your college mailbox combo.

#17: Grade Sniveling: Your professor has probably forgotten you by now. Maybe it's time to try again to beg her into raising that B+ to an A-. Employers really care about your GPA 25 years ago, and so should you.

#24: Oversleep and miss Convo again.

#25: Go to Convo. For the first time.

#32 Hang out with smart, engaging people who knew you when you were 18 and have forgiven you for it.

#37: Get a decent room on campus without going through room draw.

#42 Sleep in the Libe. Drool on the comfy chairs.

#53 Fish in Lyman Lakes.

#64 Go traying down Evans hill (weather permitting).





Website by Chet Haase